I grew up in a household where the human body in various guises of dejection and exaltation was a primary theme in devotional and medical imagery. To me, figurative representation is irresistible! These monumental drawings (up to 50 feet long) explore both the physical and the metaphysical body, which is to say the body as a mythological certainty.
I portray the mythical through the physical by exploring and exposing the inside and outside of the body. In the spirit of Carl Jung’s belief that the human body contained the memory of all creation, these essentially figurative works meld the microcosm with the macrocosm in order to discover the intersection between the mundane and the supermundane. Evidence of the physical fact, of this material mythos, is manifested in the synthesis of the profane and the sublime, as connections are drawn between such different particulars as an x-ray, a spiral of stellar dust, the pulse of a heartbeat, the precision of the Fibonacci curve, the abstraction of a silver thumbprint, or in a leap eternally frozen in the representational art.
My works explore the human form in a myriad incarnations; as remembered experience, as scientific certainty, and as imagined realm. They recall a preoccupation with the devotional and medical images that absorbed my formative years. When I was growing up, the inscrutable metaphors that mark figuration sparked my imagination. Now, they fuel my art.