Monthly Archives: May 2015

No No No Target

More new work from what I’m calling the Whistling Dixie series, from The Triumphs.

What, you don’t know The Triumphs? All new master series that like The Last Judgment is full of pockets of inquiries. Think of them as mini-series belonging to the core theme. If you want to see work from The Triumphs anywhere, you’ll have to go to Columbia City Gallery.

Meantime…here’s another piece from Whistling Dixie. Mixed media on target paper. The words come from a sign in a Florida cafe where my father, mother, brother, and I were kicked out of. Yup, all those holes come from my gunshots!


Take the Flag?

A peek at what’s new in the studio! From the Whistling Dixie series.


Some background….This spring, a local curator asked me to contribute to an installation dealing with issues of immigration and discrimination. In the end, he didn’t get the funding, so the work wasn’t installed but I created some interesting pieces.

An indelible aspect of the work is the violent energy embedded in the paper’s history. It is mixed media on real target paper. By the way, the words come from a popular bumper sticker in Miami. They are clearly meant to insult immigrants living in that culturally vibrant and diverse city.

A peek Inside My Art Journal

Czeslaw Milosz’s words…always around and about in the back of my mind. They meander through my art journal, like a guest that came to visit and moved in. I open a door and find them there, looking in a mirror, stretched out on a couch, watering the plants on the window sill.


A Peek Inside My Latest Art Journal

What’s inside my art journal?

A path round and about my subject. Probing it from many different directions.
A trip inside my brain.

Playing with lots of different media.
A sensation in my hands.

Paper folding in and out of the journal with adjacent ideas.
The moment of deepest questioning.

The moment of discovery. Maybe.


The More Digital The World Gets…

the more I yearn for the old-school touch of a hand-made book.

Ok, so I read lots of online magazines and blogs. And yeah, there’s a kindle on my nightstand.

But how I love the pleasures of art journaling and making a book from scratch! Here are a few books I made in the studio. Some to go into shows. Others as gifts for young artists I mentored.

My latest one of a kind will be exhibited along with my video and photos soon. So stay tuned!







The Lamentations exhibited in India

Thank you to Amit Mukhopadhyay who curated me into two shows in India!

Although I wasn’t able to travel to see the installations because of my teaching schedule, I was thrilled to discover new contexts for my work and exhibit with other artists on the international stage.

poster lament event , delhi