The studio is my laboratory, the place where I investigate archetypal images and narratives. Each series presents the results of my research and experiments. Currently my work is exploring alchemy and bridal imagery as expressions of communal and individual determination (click on Alchemical Bride).
For over a decade my work has situated the figure as the site where myths, archetypes, and histories unite. Different psychological personas manifest in the studio, digesting and transforming notions of identity through myth. Recognizable symbolic markers initiate each series as I explore new identities in the stories we tell others and whisper to ourselves. I circle each archetype probing it from many different directions, researching aspects of an initial physical memory or expression. Drawings, paintings, photographs, video, and installations document these hermetic revelations.
In this laboratory the body is the agent, measure, and sum of physical and cultural substance, because my own body acts and is acted upon. It senses, remembers, and recounts. These lived experiences, both real and imagined, step in and out of each persona, each archetype, each series.
Please click on the links below to explore each persona/archetype emerging from the lab.